
As a skilled facilitator, Brad Allen ensures that events—whether they are business summits, large workshops, or company gatherings—are purpose-driven, engaging, and seamlessly delivered. His orchestration makes certain that sponsor key objectives are met.
Brad wears several hats in the facilitation realm:
- Event Designer and Planner: Guiding the co-creation process, he transforms objectives and ideas into tangible instructions.
- Lead Facilitator: Brad steers discussions, manages time, fosters participation, and ensures seamless coordination among participants and speakers.
- In-Event Process Facilitator: Overseeing event planning, logistics, and delivery, he serves as the single point of contact for event and venue coordinators, contributors, speakers, and other team members.
- Content Expert: With a wealth of experience as an accredited leadership coach, Brad brings valuable insights to the table.
Sectors: Construction, Education, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Finance, Hospitality, Insurance, Life Sciences, Local & National Government, Mining, Oil & Gas, Retail, Standardisation, and Technology.
Stats: 550+ hours in facilitation
- Adv Dip - Personal and Executive Coaching (Kingstown College, Dublin)
- MBA (Smurfit / University College Dublin)
- BSc (Curtin University, Perth)
- Individual Team Coaching Accreditation, Foundation (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
- European Individual Accreditation, Practitioner (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
- Certified for Psychometric Testing (The British Psychological Society)
Do you need Brad's help? Get in contact.
No BS! The Art of Agency
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